2nd Tuesday of the Month
Elders are responsible for the spiritual care and oversight of the congregation. They have the oversight of the Christian Education of the congregation with the help of the Christian Education Committee. They have the oversight over much of the administration of church membership and the use of the church building. They also assist in the preparation and the dispensing of the elements for communion.
4th Tuesday of the Month
Trustees have charge of all the funds of the congregation. The Trustees are responsible for the oversight of the financial affairs of the congregation. They strive to secure the prompt playment of all salaries and of all debts and obligations, and see to it that sufficient money is raised for the adequate support of the congregation. They are also responsible for the repairs and upkeep of the church property.
Christian Education Committee (CEC)
Quarterly Meetings
Christian Education Committee has the responsibility to coordinate the Sunday School curriculum and teaching staff, plan and oversee the Putz ministry, youth activities and annual events such as the Church picnic, Summerfest, Snak & Yaks, etc. The CEC is funded through the Sunday School offerings.